Original description
Hansson, C. (2010). ZooTaxa 2563:45-47.
Scutellum close to anterior margin with longitudinal lateral grooves; costal cell with ventral surface with a complete row of setae; frontal suture straight; all coxae and femora dark and metallic; postmarginal vein 3.4X as long as stigmal vein; petiole 0.7–0.8X as long as wide in female and 1.0–1.4X as long as wide in male, in female without median carina; dorsellum smooth and shiny without 2 large foveae anteriorly. Similar to A. strix but dorsellum smooth without large anterolateral foveae, and female petiole smooth (A. strix with dorsellum with 2 foveae anterolaterally and female petiole with median carina).
Costa Rica,
Parasitoid on Tischeria spp. (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae) on Coussapoa villosa (Moraceae) and Gouania polygama (Rhamnaceae), and from unidentified lepidopteran leafminers on unidentified Asteraceae.
Depository of primary type
Holotype female in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (CNC), Ottawa, Canada.